There are 3 Components to the ScaleUpU Initiative: On-Campus, On-Site and Online

Once a year, an organisation’s CEO and its senior team come to “campus” with 14 other executive teams for 3 days of intensive learning and sharing led by top regional and national business thought leaders in the fields of growth, leadership, sales, marketing, hiring, negotiations, international expansion, execution, and financing/cash management. The participants will be assigned coaches to support their disciplines between the annual gatherings.
All faculty members have taught in numerous programs geared for growth firms. The learning will draw upon real-world case studies of high growth companies, as well as intensive analyses of each company’s own strategy and corporate execution. In addition, there will be an emphasis on how to deliver tools and frameworks for raising the team’s capability to deal with crucial business and organisational issues thoughtfully, aggressively, and successfully.
Each quarter during the 12-month program, a coaching partner will be sent to the organisation to facilitate/update a 90-day plan and provide training to the rest of the company/leadership team in order to assist with and measure the growth initiatives. These sessions are scheduled at the companies' convenience and provide the necessary follow-up to ensure progress on the implementation of ideas introduced in the annual on-campus programs.
Not only will this coaching concentrate on maintaining momentum within the organisation, it also will ensure that the business education provided by ScaleUpU is implemented throughout the entire company. The tried and true motto of the Initiative is no one has ever achieved peak performance without a coach.
Throughout the year, each of the 15 companies will utilize the online Growth Institute and the Better Book Club to provide ongoing education for the entire firm. In addition, ScaleUpU companies will use the online cloud-based dashboard called Align Today to track progress on cascading priorities and metrics throughout the company.
Another resource will be periodic webinars that feature relevant topics to support the ScaleUpU Initiative and available only to companies in the program.
For Reference:
Gazelles Growth Institute - http://growthinstitute.com/
Align Today - https://aligntoday.com/
Better Book Club - http://www.betterbookclub.com/
The three expected outcomes and benefits to each city/region include:
Positioning one of the firms on a strong trajectory to £1 billion in revenue.
Assisting 5 - 10 companies scaleup with eventual exit for a combined £1 billion - £3 billion.
Assisting 70% - 80% of the remaining 140 firms to increase their size 3x - 10x.
Costs, Application Information
Investment: The investment is £4,000/month per company for a 12-month period, led by a hands-on CEO and the company’s executive team. The amount includes three 3-day learning sessions, training, quarterly coaching, webinars and access to technology resources. The total cost represents an investment encompassing all company personnel, as well as the CEO.
Applications: Expressions of interest for the inaugural class of 2018 are now been accepted. An application form may be obtained by contacting Neale Lewis as indicated below. Enrollment for the inaugural class will be limited to 15 companies
Contact us
If you're a scaleup in need of support; a local leader wanting to improve the local economy; or have something to contribute to both -- please reach out to us.